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Donate Now

click on the "Donate Now" icon to give, safely and securely, through the CanadaHelps website

if you prefer contact us to make alternate arrangements at uc779(at) replace "(at)" with "@"

A donation of $60 will sponsor an entire hive and personal protective equipment for a Ghanaian farmer

We aim to make every dollar count. Society members are all non-paid volunteers and all donations are channeled to fieldwork. International travel costs are covered by funding outside the charity (see information on the Farmer-to-Farmer program [warning-- that information is contained on an old server; use the alt-left-arrow key combo to return back to the current site).

If you would prefer to volunteer instead of making a financial donation we could use your assistance if you have skills in website design and management or in small scale marketing ventures or managing savings and loans associations in rural Africa.

bees for babar
Registered charity number: 856875018RR0001
890 Eberts St.
Nanaimo, BC V9S 1P6 

bees for babar index

guiding principles

donation options

photos and background

publications and resources
